"Who Are The Scots, Exactly?"
Bruce Durie is one of the world's most prominent Scottish genealogists. He is known to many through his many appearances and lectures here in the USA and became known to many in the Carolinas during his stay in Laurinburg where he was hosted by St. Andrews University's Scottish Heritage Center for his Fulbright Fellowship in Scottish Studies where he explored the history and genealogies of both Lowland and Highland Scots of the Carolinas. Dr. Bruce Durie lives and works in Scotland and has an international reputation and decades of experience in helping individuals with their own genealogies, family stories, Coats of Arms, old documents, DNA research and more. He has published hundreds of books and articles, made a large number of TV and radio broadcasts, given talks, lectures and webinars worldwide and led high-level education in these subjects. He is a consultant genealogist and heraldist, the Shennachie to the Chief of Durie, an Academician at the Académie Internationale de Généalogie, a Fulbright Senior Scottish Studies Scholar (2015-2016), has been granted Right of Audience at the Court of the Lord Lyon, and is a Freeman and Burgess of the City of Glasgow.
The Bruce Durie Lecture, "Who Are The Scots, Exactly?", will take place at 1:00 p.m. on October 4th, in the Hagan Choral Room located in the Vardell Building on the campus of St. Andrews University.
Click here to purchase a ticket.
Bruce Durie Lecture